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Dr. Ashokbabu Raamya

Dr. Ashokbabu Raamya with more than 10 yrs of experience is a family and cosmetic dentist serving the GTA. For Appointment call 905-846-1595. website:http://www.kenedyruthdentalcentre.com
About Me
Dr. Ashokbabu Raamya of Kenedy Ruth Dental Centre is a family and cosmetic dentist serving the GTA. At Kenedy Ruth Dental Centre, we provide compassionate care for patients with all levels of dental issues. We stress the importance of good oral hygiene for a healthy lifestyle, and proper smile maintenance. We always follow up with you to ensure that you are satisfied with our services. New patients, from kids to seniors, are always welcome! We invite you to make an appointment today. For Appointment call 905-846-1595. website:http://www.kenedyruthdentalcentre.com
Education and work experience
kenedy ruth dental centre
Dentist 2003 - Now (Canada)
Dr. Ashokbabu Raamya with more than 10 years of Kenedy Ruth Dental Centre is a family and cosmetic dentist serving the GTA.
Spoken Languages
  • English
  • Tamil
  • Hindi
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