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Dr. Alykhan M. Shariff

With over 15 years of experience treating families and individuals of various ages I have been fortunate enough to practice in Toronto, Ireland (Dublin and Belfast), Squamish B.C. and in Oshawa. I have had the pleasure of working in clinics where the specialty has been Pediatrics, Pregnancy, Sports injuries as well as Family Wellness, and I have witnessed first hand the positive impact chiropractic care can have when treating a variety of issues.
About Me
My passion for health care started at a very young age. I grew up with hard working parents who both suffered from limitations. My Father was afflicted with the Poliovirus and my mother was hearing impaired. Watching both struggle and work hard at everything they achieved guided me into having a strong work ethic and appreciating what we have in our lives. With my parents struggles and the limitations to what they were receiving in regards to their medical therapy, I began to think that there had to more to health care; my search ultimately led me to chiropractic care. I had always been a strong believer in the bodies’ innate ability to heal itself, and as the Chiropractic philosophy is based on that model, I knew that this is where I would eventually find my place in the health care industry. My main focus as a Chiropractor is on wellness care for the entire family. I firmly believe that chiropractic care is an essential part of living an optimum life. Not only is it a great preventative medicine that optimizes the body's natural ability to heal itself, it is also gentle and non-invasive. People of all ages can find relief and wellness through chiropractic treatment, and I invite all individuals (skeptics included) to come into my office and learn first hand about their body and how chiropractic can benefit their lives. To learn more about our practice, visit our website: http://infinitehealingclinic.com
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Infinite Healing Chiropractic & Wellness
Unit2A, 245 King St. W.
Oshawa, Ontario
L1J 2J7
Tel. 905.433.9520
Fax 905.433.8144
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