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Dr. Corina Muntean

North York Family Dental provides dental services in a warm and caring atmosphere. We welcome you and your family to join our family of patients!! Please visit our website at nyfd.ca for more information.
About Me
Dr. Corina Muntean has been in practice since 1997. North York Family Dental specializes in preventative care, establishing long term relationships with our patients and making sure they keep their teeth in good shape for a long, long period of time.
Education and work experience
North York Family Dental
Dentist 2000 - Now (Canada)
Principal dentist .
University of Toronto
DDS 2000 - 2002 (Canada)
Dental education
Spoken Languages
  • English
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Family Dental Care at Yonge and Finch
5629 Yonge St
North York, Ontario
M2M 3S9
Tel. 416.733.7800
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