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Psychologists London

Psychologists engage in research, practice and teaching across a wide range of topics having to do with how people think, feel and behave. In general, the majority of psychologists work in five broad categories of employment: research, teaching, service provision, administration, and consulting.

Psychologists in private practice are not covered by OHIP, however, Services provided by a registered Psychologist are covered, in varying degree, by most extended health care plans either through your employer or purchased by you.
We found 204 healthcare providers matching your criteria
Showing 1 - 10 of 204
Geoffrey Crealock
I have been practising as a psychologist since 1987, and offer both cognitive-behavioural interventions, insight-oriented treatments and marital therapy. I am concerned to be aware of what is helpful and to provide service in a flexible manner which responds to a client's interests and needs.
Tel. 519.433.4284
Within 2.0 km
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Patricia Doris
Tel. 519.636.6660
Within 0.9 km
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Student Development Centre, University of Western Ontario
Western Student Services Building. Suite 4th Floor
London, Ontario
N6A 3K7
Tel. 519.679.2111-ext:85946
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St. Joseph's Health Care London, Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Program
P.O. Box 5777
London, Ontario
N6A 4V2
Tel. 519.646.6100-ext:77600
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Ross M.G Norman
London Health Science Centre, Dept. of Psychiatry
RM 114 B, WMCH Building
London, Ontario
N6A 5W9
Tel. 519.685.8300-ext:75493
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The University of Western Ontario, Westminster Hall, Rm. 313E
Department of Psychology
London, Ontario
N6A 3K7
Tel. 519.661.2111-ext:84678
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Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care Program, Outpatients, London Health Sciences Centre
800 Commissioners Road E.. Suite Zone B, 8th floor, Rm 164
London, Ontario
N6A 5W9
Tel. 519.685.8500-ext:77107
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